Wednesday, March 27, 2013

PERB Ruling Affirms Teacher on 39-Month Reemployment List Remains an Employee of the District and Able to File Grievance

In Nelson v. Jurupa Unified School District (PERB Decision 2309E, March 8, 2013), the Public Employment Relations Board ("PERB") considered whether a school district committed an unfair labor practice by rejecting a teacher’s grievance because she was on the district's 39-month reemployment list after she had exhausted all her sick leave.  PERB affirmed the ALJ’s ruling that teachers on the 39-month reemployment list remain employees of the district and have the right to file grievances against the District.

For more information, read the KMTG Legal Alert here.

Meghan Covert Russell

1 comment:

  1. Great Post! Very Informative....please keep experimenting with your writing and doing interesting things! I’m enjoying it.
