Thursday, August 2, 2012

Public Records Act Refresher: Records Requests

There are so  many complex ins and outs to the law, that's why we've decided to start posting "Refreshers" on some of the most common laws that school districts encounter, including the Brown Act, the California Public Records Act, conflicts of interest, discipline/dismissals, and leave.  These posts are intended to draw your attention to provisions of the law that might be overlooked or forgotten -- sometimes we just need a little refresher!

The California Public Records Act ("CPRA") (Government Code section 6250 et seq.) states that the public is entitled to inspect or obtain copies of identifiable public records.  The intent of the CPRA is to provide the public with access to information.  Requests for documents do not have to be made in writing; requests may be made orally.  The public agency is required, to the extent reasonable under the circumstances, to assist the public in making a focused and effective request for identifiable records.  This may include confirming the request in writing in order to clarify the request and eliminate any confusion about what is being requested. 

Meghan Covert Russell

1 comment:

  1. Russell I have read your refresher post regarding public records. I am impressed with the public records access act.
